Our Services
Family Planning NT deliver specialist reproductive and sexual health clinics in Darwin and Palmerston. Appointments are with either a specially trained sexual health nurse or doctor dependent upon your need. Clinics are open Monday to Friday.
We are a Registered Training Organisation offering courses to the professional health workforce and at various times supporting the training of clinicians. At your appointment, you may be seen by a fully qualified doctor or nurse completing their advanced training in reproductive and sexual health care with us. One of our specialised doctors or nurses will always be present to provide supervision. Talk to our reception staff to discuss what this might mean for you.
FPNT have a dedicated pregnancy option nurse. If you find yourself unexpectedly pregnant, we can help you think through your options in a non-judgemental and confidential manner. You can either ring for an appointment or phone us on 89480144 and press option 2.
Darwin Clinic
Located at:
Unit 2, The Clock Tower
Dick Ward Drive
Coconut Grove NT
Map: Darwin Family Planning Clinic
All clinic bookings can be made by contacting the Darwin clinic on (08) 8948 0144 between 9am and 4pm weekdays.
Available clinic times are between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday.
Client Information Support Services (CISS)
Our specialised reproductive and sexual health nurse is available by appointment or by phone, providing information, advice and support.
Available clinic times Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Palmerston Clinic
Located at:
PALMERSTON HEALTH PRECINCT, Co-sharing BreastScreen NT venue,
Cnr. Temple Tce & Roystonea Ave
Palmerston NT (Follow the PINK DOTS)
Map: Palmerston Family Planning Clinic
Clinic appointments can be made for the Palmerston Clinic by phoning Family Planning’s Darwin Clinic between 9am and 4pm weekdays on (08) 8948 0144.
Appointments are essential.
Palmerston clinic is OPEN 9am to 4pm Wednesday.
Clinic Test Results – Darwin and Palmerston
People undergoing pathology testing either onsite or on referral to a pathology provider are required to contact Family Planning to receive their results. Results are usually available 6-10 days after testing. Phone 89480144 and press option 3.
Leave a clear message and we will get back to you.
We would like to thank our clients for your understanding and patience during our transition to mixed-billing.
It was not an easy decision for us, as we are faced with challenges such as the ten-year freeze in Medicare rebates, and increasing business costs. We must be able to maintain financial security so that we can continue to provide essential reproductive and sexual health care services to you, our patients and our community.
We have provided some information on our clinic fees and our new fee schelude list is below.
Why do we charge a gap fee for medical services?
At Family Planning NT, the quality care that you receive is a product of the dedication and expertise of our staff and a modern, well-equiped facility.
Current and previous Federal Governments have failed to regularly increase the Medicare rebates. This means Medicare rebates have never kept pace with the cost of living and have never covered the true cost of delivering quality medical care.
A gap fee is now being introduced but we are aiming to keep your overall 'out of pocket' expense to a minimum.
What this means is you pay a fee that FPNT have set when visiting our clinics and you will receive a Medicare card rebate. (A gap fee is the difference you have paid out).
This charge is required so that Family Planning NT can continue to provide you with high quality reproductive and sexual health care whilst also covering the ever increasing costs of running a community clinic while under a Medicare freeze environment.
Family Planning NT has chosen to set our fees lower than the current recommended fee set by the Australian Medicial Association (AMA).
We will continue to offer bulk billing to clients with Healthcare Cards and clients under 18 years who are Medicare eligible. Our medical abortion provision service, remains bulk-billed for Medicare eligible clients.
How much do I pay on the day?
I have a Medicare Card
If you have a consultation with a doctor, you will be charged a fee on the day which is calculated based on the appropriate Medicare rebate amount ( determined by the actual length of the consultation and the types of care provided during the consultation) PLUS the gap fee/s. You will receive a refund equivalent to the Medicare rebate appropriate to your consultation. Please ensure you have sufficient funds in your bank account for the total fee paid on the day.
If you have a consultation with a nurse you will only be charged the gap fee on the day.
How do I process my Medicare rebate claim?
Clients will need to have a valid Medicare card number.
Medicare claims can be processed at the time of your consultation. We will submit your claim to Medicare on your behalf and your refund will be depositied directly into the bank account attached to your EFTPOS card. Please note, Medicare rebates cannot be made to a credit card account. Occasionally, when we are not able to undertake this action for you. If this happens you will be given your clinic receipt that you will need to process yourself by visiting a Medicare branch or making contact with them online.
I am under 18 years old OR I have a Health Care Card
Medicare eligible clients who are under 18 and those with a valid healthcare card are bulk-billed for all appointments except for IUD work-up appointments.
Please bring your Medicare and Healthcare card to your appointment. You may be charged a gap fee without proof of a valid Medicare and/or Healthcare card.
I did not bring my Medicare card with me today.
Unfortunately our staff cannot access a clients Medicare card detail.
You will be charged the full cost of your appointment including the cost of medications or devices provided to you, without a Medicare rebate refund. We do not process private insurance claims but will provide you a receipt to submit to your insurer.
Clients who do not have a Medicare Card.
All clients who do not have a valid Medicare card will be charged the full fee of consulation plus the gap fee on the day of your visit to FPNT. Our receptionist can provide you with more detail cost when you call us.
We do not offer on-site blood collection for Non Medicare clients. We ask our Non Medicare clients to drop off pathology to a pathology service where you will be asked to pay the fee for pathology services directly.
A number of follow up consultations within a timely manner, will be offered free to Non Medicare clients. For more information please discuss with our receptionist.
Do I have to pay the cost of medications and contraceptive devices given to me during the consultation?
Yes. All clients are charged the cost of medications and devices provided by Family Planning NT except those covered under bulk-billed medical abortion provision.
I cannot afford the cost of the appointment, medications or contraceptive devices?
We recognise that some people may experience financial hardship. If you are unable to afford the cost of an appointment, including any medications or devices please contact us at nurse@fpwnt.com.au before making a booking, so we can discuss your options for care with you. You may be eligible to a bulk-billed consultation.
This must be arranged BEFORE your appointment.
I do not have enough money to complete my payment following my appointment.
If you are unable to complete your payment following an appointment, we will not charge you a gap fee on the day. However, we will not be able to arrange any future appointments for you until your outstanding fee is paid.
I am having a telehealth appointment.
Most follow-up telehealth appointments for provision of results will be bulk-billed. You may be charged a gap fee for a telehealth appointment if you are discussing a new health issue with your clinician or you require a comprehensive clinical assessment or your doctor provides you with a detailed management plan. Please discuss whether you will be charged a fee with our reception staff or clinician.
You call will be transferred to our reception staff to finalise your payment after your telehealth discussion with the doctor.
Family Planning NT takes it seriously if any of our staff members are treated in an abusive manner. Our staff are trained and dedicated to provide you care and you will be treated with courtesy and respect at all times. In return, we request that all our staff members are treated with the same courtesy and respect.
We have a ZERO TOLERANCE approach to any abusive behaviour towards our staff members and our clients.
We respectfully advise you that abusive behaviour will not be tolerated. We have the right to refuse to provide services to a person who is using abusive behaviours toward our staff members and other clients. If required, the Police may be called and the person who is using abusive behaviour will be asked to leave our practice.
MEDICIAL ABORTIONS are bulk-billed at Family Planning NT. Ring 08 89480144 for support.
Dedicated Pregnancy Option Nurse
Family Planning NT have a dedicated pregnancy option nurse. If you find yourself unexpectedly pregnant, we can help you think through your options in a non-judgemental and confidential manner. You can either ring for an appointment or phone us on 89480144 and press option 2.
Medical abortion provision and aftercare appointment.
Medical abortion provision and aftercare appointments are bulk-billed for Medicare eligible clients. This begins from the provision appointment when the medication is provided and includes any aftercare appointment up to 21 days following.
Any procedural appointment during this period will be charged a clinic fee, as per the new fee schedule. All appointments after the stated follow -up period are considered general appointments and incur a gap fee.
Extra medication that is required will incur an additional cost.
Family Planning NT can arrange for people attending our clinics to purchase some contraception direct from the clinic. Free condoms are available through all clinic branches.
This service allows people access to discounted contraceptives as well as removing the need for an additional trip to a pharmacy.
IUD Appointments.
Clients having an IUD insertion or replacement will require at least two (2) separate appointments: the work-up and the insertion/replacement appointment.
Clients who require an ultrasound prior to their IUD insertion/replacement will need a no-cost telehealth appointment seven (7) days before their schedule insertion appointment to discuss the results. This is to confirm your suitability for an insertion in our clinic.
A follow -up appointment following the IUD insertion/replacement is optional, but may be recommended by your clinician in certain situations.
How much will I be charged for the IUD work-up and insertion/replacement appointment?
Your IUD work-up appointment will be the cost of your consultation plus the gap fee and booking fee. Your IUD insertion/replacement appointment will be bulk -billed.
If you cancel your IUD insertion appointment at least 48 hours before your scheduled appointment, you will receive the booking fee refunded. No refunds will be given on the day of your appointment for any reason.
Costs vary for Non Medicare Card clients.
I am having an IUD replacement.
If you are having an IUD replacement, please let us know if you cannot locate your IUD thread. An ultrasound may be required.
I've been asked to have an ultrasound prior to my IUD insertion/replacement appointment.
At the work-up appointment your clinicans may recommend that you have an ultrasound prior to your insertion/replacement. We recommend you schedule the ultrasound appointment at the radiology provider and call FPNT to make your IUD appointment.
I want my IUD removed but I can't feel the threads.
Occasionally, removal of IUD devices can be complex, therefore, an added cost may be incurred.
Family Planning Welfare Association NT loans education and training resources for those working in the health and education sectors. There are a wide range of resources available including books, publications, movies, CD-ROMs, educational games, contraception kits and training models.
A list of Education Resources is available for purchase or hire. These resources including the order form are available in the General section below.
Family Planning Welfare Association NT is a Registered Training Organisation # 2131 offering accredited specialist training in sexual health to Doctors, Nurses and Aboriginal Health Workers.
For more information on scheduled training courses please see the Training Courses and Education Section.
Additional Information
![]() | DONATIONS | ||
![]() | FEE SCHEDULE for CLINICS | ||
![]() | Family Planning NT Service Information | ||
![]() | Unplanned Pregnancy Options | ||
![]() | The Family Planning privacy policy 2014 |