Training and Education Resources

Professional Training

Family Planning Welfare Association ( FPWNT) is a registered training organisation # 2131 that offers a  range of accredited training courses across the NT, as well as nationally regonised training specialising in reproductive and sexual health matters for the health professional.  Training and courses for doctors, nurses and Aboriginal health practitioners are offered throughout the year at a number of centres across the Northern Territory. 

To see the planned training schelude, please view the 2024 Training Calendar which can be found in the downloads under 'further information' below.

To enrol in FPWNT training courses, download a copy of the Training Application form and return the completed application with all accompanying documentation as early as possible via fax, post or email.  If you have completed the theory component of one of our courses and wish to apply to complete the clinical component please download, complete and return the Clinical Training Application.

All applicants should  read the Participant Handbook Manual and the training refund policy prior to applying for training. These policies can be located under 'additional information' located at the bottom of this page. All applicants are also required to read our information sheet on unique student identification. All students undertaking nationally recognised training delivered by an RTO need to have a unique student identifier ( USI) prior to undertaking any training program.

For futher information regarding courses and training on offer, please see the relevant course brochures under 'additional information' located below.

For futher training and education queries please contact 

For Registered Nurses

Well Women’s Health Unit
For more information on the Well Women's Health Unit training please  below 'additonal information'.

Reproductive and Sexual Health Course
For more information please see the 2024 R&SH course information found below under 'additional information'.


For Medical Doctors

FPAA Reproductive and Sexual Health Certificate Course for Doctors
Unfortuately, due to our limited workforce capacity we will not likely be offering this face to face course in Darwin. If you are interested, please email

Doctors are encouraged to complete the online theoretical component of the FPAA R&SH Certificate course option Interstate and very welcome to complete their clinical training with FPWNT.

Implanon® Insertion and Removal Training
For further information on training in Implanon insertion and removal please contact FPWNT (08) 89480144.

Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD) Insertion and Removal Training
Training sessions are held throughout the year for doctors looking to acquire the clinical skills and knowledge required to perform the insertion and removal of IUCDs.  Please see the information flyer for more details or contact our  education team   for details of these training sessions.

We support GP Registrar Training.

For Aboriginal Health Practitioners

Course in Women’s Sexual Health
For more information please read the brochure below under 'additional information'.

Community Education

Family Planning NT offers community education to a wide range of groups including schools, community groups, not-for-profit organisations and government and non-government organisations.  Our experienced educators can provide tailored training programs in all aspects of sexual and reproductive health.  Use of our on-site training room offers a fully equipped training facility as well as providing the opportunity for participants to familiarise themselves with the training, education and clinical facilities available at Family Planning NT and providing access to a wide range of resources.  For off-site training sufficient equipment must be provided to enable appropriate presentation and facilitation.  To discuss the training and education needs of your organisation please contact our Community Education Officer.

To request a training session with our Education team please complete the Request for Education form and submit it to Family Planning by fax, post or email: 


Workforce Development for Community Workers

If your interested in workforce education for your employee's or clients please contact FPWNT.


FPAA MAC Clinical Reference Group Statements

Please note: The resources here provide general information only. The suitability of such general information varies from person to person, depending on individual circumstances. Our clinical resources are subject to copyright.

If you are not a clinician then you should seek specific medical or legal advice on your individual circumstances.

Statements from the Clinical Reference Group of the Medical Advisory Committee of Family Planning Alliance Australia.

The Medical Advisory Committee of Family Planning Alliance Australia (FPAA) has released a collection of clinical statements on a range of contraceptive topics for health practitioners.

The FPAA Medical Advisory Committee is made up of senior medical educators, senior medical officers and medical directors of the member family planning organisations. The committee reviews current clinical practice and provides evidence and consenus -based recommendations for use by health practitioners.

These statements cover new and emerging issues in contraception and provide guidance in areas where evidence is lacking.

The statements relate to IUD's, Etongestrel Implants, Combined Hormonal Contraception, Emergency Contraception, Drug Interactions with Hormonal Contraceptives, General Contraception issues.


Additional Information


Training Application 2024
Clinical Training Application 2024
Application for Assignment Extension
Request for Education Services 2024


Feedback and Complaint
Training Course fees & Refund Policy
R&SH Course for NURSES 2024
Participant Information Handbook
Training Calendar 2024
IUD Insertion Training for Doctors
UNIT HLTASXH002 Information 2024
FPAA Statement - IUD's
FPAA Statement - Etonogestrel Implants
FPAA Statement - Etonogestrel Implants
FPAA Statement - Combined Hormonal Contraception
FPAA Statement - Combined Hormonal Contraception
FPAA Statement - Emergency Contraception
FPAA Statement - Emergency Contraception
FPAA Statements - Drug Interactions with Hormonal Contraceptives
FPAA Statements - Drug Interactions with Hormonal Contraceptives
FPAA Statements - Drug Interactions with Hormonal Contraceptives
FPAA Statement- General Contraception Issues
FPAA Statement- General Contraception Issues
NEW COVID-19 LARC Statement
The Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Summary Table
InfoAustralian Practice Nurses Association
USI Student Number Information
InfoAustralian College of Nursing
InfoMSD Online



Unit 2 The Clock Tower,
Corner Caryota Court & Dickward Drive
Coconut Grove, NT 0810
P:  (08) 8948 0144
F:  (08) 8948 0626

>> Location map


Palmerston Health Precinct Complex,
3 Gurd Street Farrar NT 0830
(Follow the signs or PINK dots to FP clinic)

Please contact the Darwin Office for bookings.

>> Location map